Friday, February 20, 2015

Winter Skin

As the snow consumes Pittsburgh in all its glory, my winter skin makes its debut: cracked and dry and scaly.  Which is exactly why I am working overtime to find the absolute perfect combination and ratio of all-natural moisturizers.  Additionally, I am currently on survey duty to find the ideal retailers to carry Jubilee Beauty All Natural Lip Balm.  This is my initial objective, then onto mainstreaming other Jubilee Beauty products as well.  I’ve got the best sales team astir, pursuing our inaugural ambition – placing Jubilee Beauty All Natural Lip Balm on retail store shelves – working earnestly to make this happen as soon as possible. 

So, while the sales squad does their business, I just keep exercising my wooden spoon, slaving over a hot stove, so I can deliver the best quality products you’ve ever tried.  Not JUST the best you can afford, but the best you’ve even heard exists.

My newly-designed official lip balm labels are on the delivery truck as we speak.  This is now what you’ll be looking for on retail store shelves:

Once these babies are delivered, they will promptly be applied to lip balm tubes presently on standby and shipped to my amazing sales manager so he can work his magic.  I will soon be procuring customized Point of Purchase shelf display boxes as well, which of course I will include a snapshot of, for your shopping ease.

The future of Jubilee Beauty is already decided.  You, the consumer, have spoken and I have listened, as I will continue to do.  If you’re not a believer yet, you will be.  It is and has been my great pleasure to work so hard to produce and deliver the highest quality products to you, my consumer and my friend.

Take note:  I have updated my email address to, yet my website is still not complete since I am not a master web designer and haven’t broken down and elected such an individual.  It is soon-to-come though, so fret not.  I have also placed my Etsy shop on a brief hold while I serve to enhance current products and develop new ones to add to the family because I am viciously determined to create the paramount of all-natural skin and hair care products.  Jubilee Beauty is destined to be the standard in superiority and my legacy will be my commitment to delivering the standard in superiority to you. 

And let’s not forget to mention that the Jubilee Beauty Project is still in sequence, on track and will soon be victorious!  All of this, because you are my muse.

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Read my Press Release at

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