Friday, August 28, 2015

Your Health is in Your Hands (and Skin)

This whole Jubilee Beauty revolution of mine has even turned me onto eating only whole foods, which not only tastes better (such as the difference between certified grass-fed beef and not grass-fed beef - wow, a huge difference taste-wise), but has begun to improve my cholesterol and is helping with weight management.

All Natural, Organic, Whole Foods, Non-GMO, Clean Eating and Clean Skin Care - all imperative to overall health.  It’s not about vanity, it’s about health.  If you aren’t already fully aware of what the artificial chemicals can and are doing to you, both internally and externally, please read my research-based short published article at and if you still are not convinced, I encourage you to do your own research.  It’s frightening how dangerous to your internal and external health these chemicals really are.  Learning of the dangers of these chemicals was a mere byproduct of my mission to solve my skin condition issues, and now I am an extremely devoted advocate for all natural skin care products (and makeup - let’s not forget the makeup because it lays on your face for hours on end).

The quick summary of the significance of all-natural skin care is, the harmful artificial chemicals can absorb into your skin and cause a wide variety of health problems such as neurological disorders or disruptions, potentially delayed development or even autism in your children from the fetus’s exposure to what the mother’s skin absorbs, complications to your hormonal balances (if you’re unaware, hormones affect nearly every aspect of your physiology), can be an instigator for many allergic reactions, and let’s not dismiss the potential for poisons being taken in unintentionally to your bloodstream through your skin.  Poisons such as mercury which has zero health benefit to the human body - only harm, and aluminum toxicity which can contribute to bone loss, diseases of the brain, memory and concentration effects, kidney problems and other detrimental effects.  All this and more information can easily be searched for online.  I retrieved the data on aluminum toxicity from if you’re interested in reading for yourself.  Aluminum is commonly used in the majority of antiperspirants on the market.

Learn for yourself, don’t just take my word for it!


Jubilee Beauty Tea Tree Facial Cleanser - the Acne Remedy

Moderate to severe acne as well as eczema are what I lived with for twenty long years.  Only having been to the dermatologist a few times as an adolescent, and without anyone explaining to me that the acne products I had been purchasing from the shelves at eye-level at any store were much more detrimental than helpful, I honestly thought I was condemned to perpetual acne.  And I’ve tried everything, from cheap to high end - most with the promise to clear up your skin or your money back.  And then…

One day, at the age of 37, I was just fed up with my acne issue.  I’ve spent twenty years making jokes about still going through puberty and I was done with it.  I made a dermatologist appointment and once I visited with this lovely young doctor, probably a decade my junior, she explained to me that I have sensitive skin and what I’ve been doing is exacerbating my skin conditions with these harmful products.  It was that moment that Jubilee Beauty was born because I went home with some samples of a few sensitive skin products, which I threw away because it had occurred to me when she informed me of the harm these products were doing to my skin, that I needed to do some research and take matters into my own hands.

Immediately, I began purchasing organic and natural ingredients that I read had special skin stabilizing and rejuvenating properties, such as Shea Butter, Aloe Vera, Jojoba, Vitamin E and Avocados.  Well, the avocados had to come in the form of either oil or butter since five minutes after cutting into an avocado, it oxidizes so I just bought both oil and butter.  I found a few other things as well and as I awaited the delivery of my ingredients, I formulated a series of nutrient-balanced concoctions as my test subjects so I would be ready to start cooking the day everything arrived.

And I did.  I had my shipments tracked and knew the day it would all come.  In fact, I’m such a skilled internet shopper that I am even apprised to the time frame of when each shipping company delivers to my neighborhood.  So, with double-boilers waiting and warmed up, I heard the UPS truck in front of the house, the dogs began barking and I scurried outside to meet the delivery guy and eliminate any time wasted.

Since my inspiration was of course the acne, I tested that recipe first.  Once I concluded I would be able to produce a facial cleanser, though it would be far too watery to bottle up traditionally, I had to get back online and locate some inexpensive foamer bottles.  So that was put on hold, though I did saturate a cloth and wash my face with my original batch of facial cleanser daily nonetheless.  Upon receipt of the foamer bottles, I pressed to improve on my original product by adding Shea Butter.  Turns out, that was not my best work, so I returned to the original recipe and have faithfully used it since.  It was nearly an immediate recovery from my full-face acne problem.  Daily, I noted fewer and fewer blemishes and no new ones had appeared either.  Until one day, I had none.  NONE!  

I did, however take note that my skin was a little bit on the dry side and flaky skin is little more appealing than blemished, red, bumpy skin.  So I was onto my next project, which I had already mapped out the perfectly balanced formula which needed only be put into action, as well as I had ordered a food processor just for use of my skin care creations.  I happened to had recently obtained that, so I got to work.  I measured everything, I cooked and melted it all in the double-boiler, I stirred continuously to ensure proper blending and once it cooled, it was more the consistency of soap than face cream.  Luckily, I had some distilled water and that new food processor!  I scraped the mixture into the food processor, added water little by little and blended until it reached the slightly whipped texture I was looking for.

I then jarred up what I had, which turned out to be quite a lot.  Fortunately, I had also thought to purchase some natural preservatives as well, which I included in my recipe because I was certain the shelf life without a preservative would not be lengthy.  However, I still have several jars of that original batch and I still use every single day on my face and neck, and it has now been a year and it is still fresh.  

Remarkably, it will officially be one year since I made those first batches of facial cleanser and face cream in a few short weeks, and for that year I have been acne-free!  No more puberty for this 38 year old.  I feel prettier than I have in twenty years.  


Friday, August 21, 2015

Final Days of Summer

In preparation of the upcoming autumn season, I am adapting my skin’s care regimen accordingly.  The dryer air will make for much itchier skin if yours is as tender and sensitive as mine is.  I am switching from Castile Soap to scrub my body to Cocamidopropyl Betaine, a much gentler surfactant derived from coconut oil.  While it is unclear to me whether Cocamidopropyl Betaine is 100% natural, I only use it for the purpose of my own personal employment - not in my products.  Another alteration I am finding myself adopting for the impending change of season is the frequent application of skin cream and lotions, as I am very dry-skinned and have easily irritated skin.  Some may say my skin is just as irritable as I am, but I think that is farce.  My skin is by far much itchier than I am grumpy.  :)

So, I am making a few changes to my product list - mostly replacing the least popular item with one that I hope will be a hit, as well as calculating a new and exciting game plan for running my business.  My product list will now be reduced by one - makeup remover pads - and replaced with Face Mask and then I will continue to endorse my Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash, Body Lotion, Face Wash, Face Cream, Hot Oil Hair Treatment and of course la pièce de résistance - my beloved Lip Balm.

Changes to my business model will include hiring a local Marketing Intern to assist me with the new, fresh and creative ways of getting the brand recognition Jubilee Beauty deserves.  Additionally, I will be marketing to local Inns and Bed and Breakfasts in hopes to bundle and package their shower and bath amenities.  And, last but not least, I will also be offering my lip balm as a business promotional product to be labeled on behalf of the clients and used to promote their own businesses.  I’m looking forward to these changes and hope they will breathe whole new life to the Jubilee Beauty Project!

Also I have an upcoming All Natural Skin Care Interactive Lecture Group Meeting that I would love to invite you to on September 19, 2015 at 12:30pm at the Monroeville Public Library in the Downstairs Program Room.  Details and the agenda are listed on

I hope you will all help light the path for a successful journey for Jubilee Beauty!  We are anticipating a radiant future ahead indeed!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Essence of Spring

Welcome, spring!  I have been awaiting your arrival, for what feels like years rather than months.  Spring, for me, means being outdoors, taking walks in the park, kayaking and camping.  All of which can play a harsh role on one’s skin.  Exposure to the elements of the world can seriously cause damage, especially from the UV Rays of the sun.  Did you know that PABA, or para-Aminobenzoic acid, a chemical naturally found in Vitamin B12, is a natural sunscreen?   I use PABA in Jubilee Beauty Avocado Face Cream to help protect your skin from the dangers of the sun’s rays. 

Jubilee Beauty Avocado Face Cream is a simple blend of Avocado Butter, Shea Butter, Jojoba Butter, as well as Natural Spring Water to create a fast-absorbing cream that nourishes your skin, much like you nourish your body.  The amazing nutrients from Avocado Butter, Shea Butter and Jojoba Butter provide the conditioning your skin requires in any season, and the all-natural sunblock your skin requires in the upcoming months of spring and summer.

Jubilee Beauty Avocado Face Cream is best paired with Jubilee Beauty Foaming Face Wash, which is comprised of natural disinfectant, lemon and soothing green tea.  I chose to use lemon due to its natural antibacterial properties, yet it’s still gentle enough that it won’t irritate your sensitive skin in its diluted state.  Lemon has also been known to lighten skin discolorations and stabilize the overall tone of your skin, both in moisture and in color.

Depending on what part of the world you live in, spring can bring torrid weather such as heat and humidity.  The combination of heat and humidity takes its toll on your skin, from pore-clogging sweat to excessive oiliness.  Jubilee Beauty Foaming Face Wash is an excellent solution, safe and gentle enough to use daily, and refreshing upon application.  As soon as you rinse it from your face, you’ll feel immediately rejuvenated and clean.

Soon, will be an online store.  Still learning how to accomplish it.  But soon!  As well as, soon, an article titled Rehabilitating Your Skin written by YOURS TRULY will be published on so be sure to look for that.  I’ll post an update with a link once it goes live.  I’m also including it below for your early review.

Follow Jubilee Beauty on Facebook at and follow me on Twitter at


Rehabilitating Your Skin

Granting Your Skin The Way Of Nature
by Holly Watson


            Your skin is the body’s largest organ, holding all the other important things in.  Some might say, it’s the most vital organ of all.  Without which, nothing else would stay in its place and you would cease to be.  So, why are you treating it with less respect than your internal health?  Would you consume any of the same toxic chemicals you’re applying to your skin?  Of course you wouldn’t.  Let’s not be absurd.

            Are you aware of the damage such chemicals cause to your skin, as well as your overall health?  Mainstream skin care products generally contain preservatives, more specifically known as parabens, which can absorb into the skin and wreak havoc on your endocrine system.  If you’re not medically-minded, the endocrine system is essentially made up of hormonal glands which influence nearly every function of the human body.  That’s kind of important.  Not to mention some of these products you spread so generously to your body may also contain metals such as Mercury and aluminum (check the ingredients of your antiperspirant). 

Mercury is known to cause an array of ailments as well as affect the human brain neurologically, resulting in developmental delays in children and a plethora of nervous system related conditions in adults.  When you think of Mercury’s affiliation to the human body, isn’t your first thought, “poison” and perhaps second thought, “autism?”  And that is in addition to the effects the same chemicals have on your skin: irritation, redness, blemishes and allergic reactions.

It may not be fully apparent to everyone that the majority of the so-called “skin care” products on retail store shelves actually may be doing more harm than good.  What is the solution, you ask?  All-Natural.  Obviously.  However, you still must be selective in your product choices.  Read ingredient labels carefully.  If you don’t know what an ingredient is, use your phone and “Google it.”  If it is not directly derived from an all-natural source, move on.  Some labels may say “Natural” but frequently this term is loosely applied. 

And not everyone is able and/or willing to expend the unreasonable prices for most all-natural skin care products.  Yet, there are a select few all-natural brands on the market, albeit some are more difficult to find than others.  Do your research before purchasing skin and hair care products.  Search for all-natural products containing specifically Avocado Oil or Butter, Shea Butter and/or Jojoba Oil or Butter.  These ingredients are key to healthy skin and hair.

Avocado Oil contains Vitamins A, B, D and E and provides skin nurturing fatty acids.  Shea Butter is nature’s healing agent.  Not only does it contain Vitamin A and promote healing of dry, irritated, blemished skin, but it is known to heal small wounds and insect bites.  Jojoba is effective in moisturizing hair and skin without leaving a residue.  It is mineral-rich and promotes natural production of collagen, which helps to regain elasticity to your skin.  It is also a natural anti-inflammatory and can contribute to the clearing of acne.

Now that you understand the significance of proper, healthy skin care, I know you’ll make the right choices.  All-natural is the only way: the way of nature.


Friday, February 20, 2015

Winter Skin

As the snow consumes Pittsburgh in all its glory, my winter skin makes its debut: cracked and dry and scaly.  Which is exactly why I am working overtime to find the absolute perfect combination and ratio of all-natural moisturizers.  Additionally, I am currently on survey duty to find the ideal retailers to carry Jubilee Beauty All Natural Lip Balm.  This is my initial objective, then onto mainstreaming other Jubilee Beauty products as well.  I’ve got the best sales team astir, pursuing our inaugural ambition – placing Jubilee Beauty All Natural Lip Balm on retail store shelves – working earnestly to make this happen as soon as possible. 

So, while the sales squad does their business, I just keep exercising my wooden spoon, slaving over a hot stove, so I can deliver the best quality products you’ve ever tried.  Not JUST the best you can afford, but the best you’ve even heard exists.

My newly-designed official lip balm labels are on the delivery truck as we speak.  This is now what you’ll be looking for on retail store shelves:

Once these babies are delivered, they will promptly be applied to lip balm tubes presently on standby and shipped to my amazing sales manager so he can work his magic.  I will soon be procuring customized Point of Purchase shelf display boxes as well, which of course I will include a snapshot of, for your shopping ease.

The future of Jubilee Beauty is already decided.  You, the consumer, have spoken and I have listened, as I will continue to do.  If you’re not a believer yet, you will be.  It is and has been my great pleasure to work so hard to produce and deliver the highest quality products to you, my consumer and my friend.

Take note:  I have updated my email address to, yet my website is still not complete since I am not a master web designer and haven’t broken down and elected such an individual.  It is soon-to-come though, so fret not.  I have also placed my Etsy shop on a brief hold while I serve to enhance current products and develop new ones to add to the family because I am viciously determined to create the paramount of all-natural skin and hair care products.  Jubilee Beauty is destined to be the standard in superiority and my legacy will be my commitment to delivering the standard in superiority to you. 

And let’s not forget to mention that the Jubilee Beauty Project is still in sequence, on track and will soon be victorious!  All of this, because you are my muse.

Follow Jubilee Beauty on Facebook at and follow me on Twitter at and be sure to share this post with your friends.  #JubileeBeautyProject

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