Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Essence of Spring

Welcome, spring!  I have been awaiting your arrival, for what feels like years rather than months.  Spring, for me, means being outdoors, taking walks in the park, kayaking and camping.  All of which can play a harsh role on one’s skin.  Exposure to the elements of the world can seriously cause damage, especially from the UV Rays of the sun.  Did you know that PABA, or para-Aminobenzoic acid, a chemical naturally found in Vitamin B12, is a natural sunscreen?   I use PABA in Jubilee Beauty Avocado Face Cream to help protect your skin from the dangers of the sun’s rays. 

Jubilee Beauty Avocado Face Cream is a simple blend of Avocado Butter, Shea Butter, Jojoba Butter, as well as Natural Spring Water to create a fast-absorbing cream that nourishes your skin, much like you nourish your body.  The amazing nutrients from Avocado Butter, Shea Butter and Jojoba Butter provide the conditioning your skin requires in any season, and the all-natural sunblock your skin requires in the upcoming months of spring and summer.

Jubilee Beauty Avocado Face Cream is best paired with Jubilee Beauty Foaming Face Wash, which is comprised of natural disinfectant, lemon and soothing green tea.  I chose to use lemon due to its natural antibacterial properties, yet it’s still gentle enough that it won’t irritate your sensitive skin in its diluted state.  Lemon has also been known to lighten skin discolorations and stabilize the overall tone of your skin, both in moisture and in color.

Depending on what part of the world you live in, spring can bring torrid weather such as heat and humidity.  The combination of heat and humidity takes its toll on your skin, from pore-clogging sweat to excessive oiliness.  Jubilee Beauty Foaming Face Wash is an excellent solution, safe and gentle enough to use daily, and refreshing upon application.  As soon as you rinse it from your face, you’ll feel immediately rejuvenated and clean.

Soon, jubileebeauty.com will be an online store.  Still learning how to accomplish it.  But soon!  As well as, soon, an article titled Rehabilitating Your Skin written by YOURS TRULY will be published on ezinearticles.com so be sure to look for that.  I’ll post an update with a link once it goes live.  I’m also including it below for your early review.

Follow Jubilee Beauty on Facebook at facebook.com/jubileebeautypittsburgh and follow me on Twitter at twitter.com/Jubilee_Beauty.


Rehabilitating Your Skin

Granting Your Skin The Way Of Nature
by Holly Watson


            Your skin is the body’s largest organ, holding all the other important things in.  Some might say, it’s the most vital organ of all.  Without which, nothing else would stay in its place and you would cease to be.  So, why are you treating it with less respect than your internal health?  Would you consume any of the same toxic chemicals you’re applying to your skin?  Of course you wouldn’t.  Let’s not be absurd.

            Are you aware of the damage such chemicals cause to your skin, as well as your overall health?  Mainstream skin care products generally contain preservatives, more specifically known as parabens, which can absorb into the skin and wreak havoc on your endocrine system.  If you’re not medically-minded, the endocrine system is essentially made up of hormonal glands which influence nearly every function of the human body.  That’s kind of important.  Not to mention some of these products you spread so generously to your body may also contain metals such as Mercury and aluminum (check the ingredients of your antiperspirant). 

Mercury is known to cause an array of ailments as well as affect the human brain neurologically, resulting in developmental delays in children and a plethora of nervous system related conditions in adults.  When you think of Mercury’s affiliation to the human body, isn’t your first thought, “poison” and perhaps second thought, “autism?”  And that is in addition to the effects the same chemicals have on your skin: irritation, redness, blemishes and allergic reactions.

It may not be fully apparent to everyone that the majority of the so-called “skin care” products on retail store shelves actually may be doing more harm than good.  What is the solution, you ask?  All-Natural.  Obviously.  However, you still must be selective in your product choices.  Read ingredient labels carefully.  If you don’t know what an ingredient is, use your phone and “Google it.”  If it is not directly derived from an all-natural source, move on.  Some labels may say “Natural” but frequently this term is loosely applied. 

And not everyone is able and/or willing to expend the unreasonable prices for most all-natural skin care products.  Yet, there are a select few all-natural brands on the market, albeit some are more difficult to find than others.  Do your research before purchasing skin and hair care products.  Search for all-natural products containing specifically Avocado Oil or Butter, Shea Butter and/or Jojoba Oil or Butter.  These ingredients are key to healthy skin and hair.

Avocado Oil contains Vitamins A, B, D and E and provides skin nurturing fatty acids.  Shea Butter is nature’s healing agent.  Not only does it contain Vitamin A and promote healing of dry, irritated, blemished skin, but it is known to heal small wounds and insect bites.  Jojoba is effective in moisturizing hair and skin without leaving a residue.  It is mineral-rich and promotes natural production of collagen, which helps to regain elasticity to your skin.  It is also a natural anti-inflammatory and can contribute to the clearing of acne.

Now that you understand the significance of proper, healthy skin care, I know you’ll make the right choices.  All-natural is the only way: the way of nature.


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