Friday, August 28, 2015

Your Health is in Your Hands (and Skin)

This whole Jubilee Beauty revolution of mine has even turned me onto eating only whole foods, which not only tastes better (such as the difference between certified grass-fed beef and not grass-fed beef - wow, a huge difference taste-wise), but has begun to improve my cholesterol and is helping with weight management.

All Natural, Organic, Whole Foods, Non-GMO, Clean Eating and Clean Skin Care - all imperative to overall health.  It’s not about vanity, it’s about health.  If you aren’t already fully aware of what the artificial chemicals can and are doing to you, both internally and externally, please read my research-based short published article at and if you still are not convinced, I encourage you to do your own research.  It’s frightening how dangerous to your internal and external health these chemicals really are.  Learning of the dangers of these chemicals was a mere byproduct of my mission to solve my skin condition issues, and now I am an extremely devoted advocate for all natural skin care products (and makeup - let’s not forget the makeup because it lays on your face for hours on end).

The quick summary of the significance of all-natural skin care is, the harmful artificial chemicals can absorb into your skin and cause a wide variety of health problems such as neurological disorders or disruptions, potentially delayed development or even autism in your children from the fetus’s exposure to what the mother’s skin absorbs, complications to your hormonal balances (if you’re unaware, hormones affect nearly every aspect of your physiology), can be an instigator for many allergic reactions, and let’s not dismiss the potential for poisons being taken in unintentionally to your bloodstream through your skin.  Poisons such as mercury which has zero health benefit to the human body - only harm, and aluminum toxicity which can contribute to bone loss, diseases of the brain, memory and concentration effects, kidney problems and other detrimental effects.  All this and more information can easily be searched for online.  I retrieved the data on aluminum toxicity from if you’re interested in reading for yourself.  Aluminum is commonly used in the majority of antiperspirants on the market.

Learn for yourself, don’t just take my word for it!


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